When planning the family budget, one can hardly ever tell the amount of money that has to be kept aside for emergencies. There are many people who have the inclination to stay a health life, but simply do not have the financial means of doing so. The amount that is kept aside, every month and every year, is huge. The same could have been used by the family for several other things in life. This means that individuals need to get a Medical Insurance Policy to keep themselves safe from any kind of medical problems.
As soon as the problem occurs, one can simply visit the hospital and use the insurance amount to pay for the same. People can then get the treatment that is needed without bothering about the cost. A Medical Insurance Policy also ensures that the family budget is used for enjoying some of the best treats of life. The premium of a mediclaim plan needs to be paid just once a year and thereafter the plan can be renewed on a yearly basis.
It is important that the individual takes care that the family has adequate health coverage. Since the problems faced by the elders would be different than those faced by youngsters, the plan bought should be such that any problem faced should be addressed easily. There are insurance plans in which hereditary and pre-existing diseases are covered only after a certain waiting period. People avoid buying plans due to this reason. However, the wise thing to do would have been to pass the waiting period and then get the Medical Insurance Policy to cover all the medical problems likely. Companies like Apollo Munich offer medical insurance plans that are designed to enable customers to get the best healthcare without facing financial problems. The plans designed by them provide preventive and curative healthcare coverage.
Easy Health Family is a family floater policy that offers cover to a policy holder, spouse, dependent kids and dependent parents, subject to the condition that there are maximum 2 adults and 4 kids covered under the same.
Easy Health Family plan offers wide cover at cost-effective price. The plan is available in three variants—Standard, Exclusive and Premium, each differing from each other with regard to coverage limits. It is a pure health insurance product that offers cover to inpatient treatment expenses, pre- and post-hospitalization expenses, day-care procedures, domiciliary treatment, health check-up, etc. One of the remarkable benefits of this policy is that there is a facility of lifelong renewal that allows an insured to enjoy the cover for the entire life.
Easy Health gives a person an option to choose cover amount from the range of Rs.1 Lac to Rs.10 Lac, as per a family’s need. The plan offer additional coverage to maternity expenses. A person buying Exclusive or Premium variant can opt for this coverage, which entitles a policy holder a certain sum of money, in an event of child birth.
There is also an additional coverage for eight enlisted critical illnesses with this plan. The diseases for which coverage is offered are Cancer, First Heart Attack, Stroke, Paralysis, Renal Failure, Coronary Artery Surgery, Major Organ Transplantation and Multiple Sclerosis. It is advisable to opt for this coverage, as one gets double protection and a peace of mind, which is most valuable.
So, one can now enjoy wide coverage at affordable price with Easy Health Insurance Plan.
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